We have ventured into IT World since 19 centuries. And the IT technology is so advanced nowadays. IT stands for Information Technology, and that means communications between technology to technology; for instant, broadband service, mobile network, internet, etc.
Last couple of days, I was having problem logging into internet. My broadband service can not establish a stable connection, it was a pain in the arse to be honest! I was fuming badly, couldn't check my important email, update my blog, update PGN's forum, read the latest news, bla bla bla.. So yesterday I went hiking in the mountain for 3 hours, physically and mentally exhausted. Got home and refreshed and hope for my broadband to behave nicely. Disappointed as expected.
Complaint to my ISP since the very beginning of this problem, they promise to send their technician to check out, but you know how they work, they never show up. I can't be bothered with them anymore, start my own trouble shooting. Checked the main cable connection, seems good. Furthered inspection inside my house, connection port okay. Hang on a minute, I saw the phone cable is pressed under the couch. No wonder! Solved that and the broadband was only good for 2 minutes, bloody hell. Check again near the router, ah haaa!! The phone cable near there is pressed under the couch too!! Removed it, shut the router and restart! Everything back to normal. Phew.
What if the country's ISP got hacked, will the country IT users suffer? What if all the main fiber optic cable underneath the sea broken? We will be thrown back to the era where we don't have IT but can we survive without IT?? I believe so not, we depend too much on it. It will be our doom one day.