Friday, October 16, 2009

Photo Leverage in China

I have finally come back to my senses, I was lost when I move back from London. I see that I have wasted my precious time when I could have use it for something better. Something that will help me reached financial freedom with millions of leverage. In order to do that, I will have to go China, so I am! Sold all my camera gears and head of to ShenZhen during the last month of the year and start fresh with plans at hand.

I shall rise again and this time I will be a giant, a photography giant in China.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sadness in Photography

In photography field, there tend to be arguments, hatreds, sabotages, and all sorts of methods to bring down the fame of your rivals. I thought photography suppose to be happy and decent, but I was wrong. Other photographers who don't agreed with your opinion and your shots, they tend to look down on you and attack you in a way. Why can't they share the experiences? Why do they have to fight? Why? Why? Why?

There are gangs in photography too! Believe it or not, Nikon gangs, Canon gangs, Sony gangs, Olympus gangs, Leica gangs, Hassleblad gangs, Panasonic gangs, etc.

Every photographers is trying so hard to gain acknowledgement from others. When their shots are acknowledged, they show happiness and reached a level of satisfaction; but when it's the other way round, they couldn't back down and accept the criticism, war breaks out between them.

This sadness and war in photography will never come to peace. It will stay like this forever. I somehow hope that everyone, everyone of the photographers out there, please wake up. You got your style, concepts and you put it in the shot, when others don't agree with you, forget about them and seek for those who can acknowledge you and grow your skills even further.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ayase Haruka

So many girls and models I have seen for my whole life up until now, Ayase Haruka is the most outstanding to me. Never seen her in makeups, simply beautiful. The sweet smile from deep bottom of her heart. No wonder I am fond of her, adore her and wish I could find someone like her. At least let me have a photo shooting session.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Story From 24 Year Old Breast Cancer Japanese

This is a real story and it has been documented by Japanese Broadcast. A young and beautiful Japanese girl who has been the victim of Breast Cancer. Although the subtitle is in Chinese, even though you don't understand what she said but you will eventually understand the picture so please watch it. All the female out there, please check your breast regularly for abnormality. Once you suspect something wrong, don't wait, straight away you go to hospital for checkup.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Penang Portfolio

I am building my Penang Portfolio. Currently shot a few of them, will gradually add them in so please check back on this as often as possible. Click on the photo for larger view.

Old Clock Tower
Masjid Aceh
Kastam Building

Georgetown Traditional Malay House